
Our Series B Term Sheet was signed, all we were waiting for was the VC to wire the money. The day the money was to be wired was the day that Lehman Brothers and Bear Sterns collapsed starting the Great Recession. With no investment coming in and with our revenues dwindling, we built Kabam and sold for over a billion dollars.

We grew the company from 4 founders to at one point over 1500 employees (including contractors) with 6 offices around the world: Austin, Vancouver, Luxembourg, China, Berlin, and Korea. After that I spent 2 years at Y Combinator as a Visiting Partner learning the other side of building a business – investing.

This blog is dedicated to the learnings and reflections we had. Sign up for my newsletter to get these musings. Occasionally, it will be peppered with reflections of Personal Development, Faith and Work, and Diversity and Inclusion.

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Twitter: @hollyhliu https://twitter.com/hollyhliu
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hollyhliu/